Midnight Nowhere

2002 Buka / Saturn-Plus
Designed by Mikhail Seldemeshev, Sanan Ushanov, Lenochka Sedova, Aleksei Nikanorov
Relevance / Mimesis:
*) pen -> keys
	Touch/operate a pen and it turns into keys?
*) beheading big guy
	How does that take the weight off the rug? It would make it harder, since
	he would no longer be held up by the grill. Hard to see how he would be
	blocking your access in the first place -- rugs are pliable.
*) card riddles
	A silly thing to require in that context.
*) crossword puzzle
	Why is the old guy alive, not dead like the rest? Also, a pretty cheap way
	past for a guy who was so determined not to let you pass.

*) shooting open door
	If I can shoot that one open, why not the others?

*) stop fan
	Two nice lateral steps: shorting the box, and using the condom as a delivery
*) scan fingerprints
	Doing it is easy, but realising that you have the opportunity and would
	want to requires consideration of the situation.

Significant Challenges (or, rather, not trivial):
*) pare wires
*) computer room password "ariel"
	Slightly subtle, with an additional clue (body tag 100001).
*) Lollipop poster
*) radio batteries
	Tough part is recognising the clue that it isn't a plug-in radio.
*) stop fan
*) fax floppy report
*) hospital front door
	Almost trivial, but you do have to figure out how to enter the sequence.
*) getting ace of diamonds card (table leg)
*) fishing in toilet tank
*) card riddle: Viktor
	Wants extra-game knowledge, but you can just try all responses.
*) card riddle: Batman
	Wants extra-game knowledge, but you can just try all responses.
*) card riddle: movies
	Wants extra-game knowledge, but you can just try all responses.
*) card riddle: human comedy
	Wants extra-game knowledge, but you can just try all responses.
*) fetch gun from cell guard
*) blow cell door
*) open gate from cells (short button)
	Maybe a bit unlikely -- fire retardant shouldn't conduct.
*) open interrogation room door
	The old key-in-other-side trick. This was old before adventures existed.
*) scan fingerprints
*) activate cellphone
*) get handbag
*) crossword riddle
	Wants extra-game knowledge, but you can just try all responses. The correct
	answer doesn't fit the crossword! Must be a translation problem.