Some of my Hi-Tech hacks and creations
Various hardware / software hacks
The eyeballing game (2008) Gear template generator (2007) Duplicate file finder and eliminator (2006) Wooden computer case 1 (2006) and case 2 (2007) Monitoring computer clock speed variations (2006) Simple ad-hoc Windows FTP server (program) (2004) Analyzing my Web traffic (who uses what) (2003) Computer controlled table saw jig (2003) 3D pentomino solver (program) (2002) CD burner CD changing machine (2002) Exif Jpeg parser (program) (2000) Building a scanning camera from a flatbed scanner (1998) Parametric mathematical art (1992) Benchtop power supply (1987) Mechanical Commodore 64 hacks
Primitive plotter (1987) Home made wooden Joystik (1986)  
Links to other hacks on other people's websites
Pongmechanic - A mechanical implementation of the classinc Pong! Jonathan Westhues' home made PCB milling machine Proximity card hacking (Could a system possibly be less secure?) To my Woodworking website To my Home page |